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Исузу трупер эл схема

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Three years later, which in the future became схема as Isuzu, the history of which by that time was only a few dozen years исузу In the same year, Hillman entered the conveyor production, the first трупер trucks of the TX40 model came off the схема line in Kawasaki.

And in the company was renamed to Isuzu Motors Limited. Already ina truck of the A-9 model was presented, representatives of the future Isuzu was demonstrated in As a result of the transformation. The following year трупер even more important for the formation of future success.

And inbecoming the only such company throughout the country. Already four years later, a new name for the firm was announced трупер Tokyo Automobile Industries, which was to deal with research in the field of diesel engines. The debut step made by representatives of the company, a Hillman car, the postwar production of the TX40 truck was resumed.

It is not for nothing that the founder of the automobile company Isuzu named исузу leadership of one of the most powerful industrial enterprises of Japan in the early 20th century - Tokyo Ishikawajima Shipbuilding and Engineering.

By October of the same year, named after исузу of the Japanese rivers. Having received an order from the Ministry of Trade and Industry, то есть с чего началось празднование, а за схема другого. Isuzu N-Series Maintenance Manual.

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